Character Move Workshop


What I Do

I help your dancers ages 12 and up build self-esteem, identify and cope with negative thoughts, and deepen team connection.

How I Do It

Character Move In this dynamic two-day in-person workshop series, each session an hour in length, your dancers will embark on a transformative journey.

Workshop 1: On day one, they will delve into the depths of resilience and empowerment, learning invaluable strategies to overcome challenging times and break free from the shackles of victimhood. Through the implementation of my powerful PAGS framework alongside expertly crafted compositional devices and structures, dancers will gain a fresh perspective on negative self-talk, cultivating gratitude, acceptance, and courage to lead lives filled with abundance.

Workshop 2: Building upon the foundation laid in Workshop 1, day two invites your dancers to explore the pinnacle of my framework: Service. This is where the magic of team building takes center stage. Guided by an expert facilitator, dancers will embark on a soul-stirring journey of self-discovery and camaraderie. Through a blend of expressive speaking, reflective writing, and fluid movement, they will celebrate not only themselves but also their teammates, fostering a culture of appreciation and unity. The culmination of this journey will be a mesmerizing group improvisation, where dancers bring to life the material co-created during our time together, solidifying bonds and igniting the stage with their collective energy.

Book a free 30-minute call to discuss how I can serve your dancers.


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